Wednesday, June 30, 2010

22 weeks pregnant!!

Starting Pregnancy Weight: 127.0
Current Pregnancy Weight: 138.2(+11.2)

4w2d 127.0 (-8.4) Found out I was pregnant after losing 8.4 pounds on HCG diet!!
5w0d 127.6
6w0d 128.0
7w0d 128.8
8w6d 128.8
9w0d 128.4
10w0d 129.0 (+0.6)
11w0d 129.8 (+0.8)
12w0d 129.6 (-0.2)
13w0d 129.2 (-1.8)
14w0d 130.6 (-0.8)
15w0d 131.0 (+0.4)
16w0d 133.0 (+2.0)
17w0d 133.4 (+0.4)
18w0d 134.2 (+0.8)
19w0d 134.0 (-0.2)
20w0d 134.4 (+0.4)
21w0d 136.4 (+2.0)
22w0d 138.2 (+1.8)

I finally hit 22 weeks today and I am now 5 1/2 months pregnant. Only 17 weeks left to go before my c-section. So far I have gained 11 pounds, ouch!! Some days I feel huge and other days I feel okay. I am still eating protein bars for breakfast and usually eating chili or chicken for lunch and dinner. I haven't increased my food intake but the baby must be growing because the last few weeks I have been gaining!! I am still exercising and I am getting ready to take my boys to the park. The baby now kicks me quite a bit and sometimes I feel it moving throughout my stomach!! It is such a neat feeling.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

21 weeks pregnant!!

Starting Pregnancy Weight: 127.0
Current Pregnancy Weight: 136.4(+9.4)

4w2d 127.0 (-8.4) Found out I was pregnant after losing 8.4 pounds on HCG diet!!
5w0d 127.6
6w0d 128.0
7w0d 128.8
8w6d 128.8
9w0d 128.4
10w0d 129.0 (+0.6)
11w0d 129.8 (+0.8)
12w0d 129.6 (-0.2)
13w0d 129.2 (-1.8)
14w0d 130.6 (-0.8)
15w0d 131.0 (+0.4)
16w0d 133.0 (+2.0)
17w0d 133.4 (+0.4)
18w0d 134.2 (+0.8)
19w0d 134.0 (-0.2)
20w0d 134.4 (+0.4)
21w0d 136.4 (+2.0)

I haven't had this big of a weight gain since between 15-16 weeks :) I am still under the 10 pound weight gain marker (although I did hit it one day but dropped back down) so I am feeling good about my weight gain. I see the doctor tomorrow and I am excited to see my little banana (that is how big the baby is now!!). They called me yesterday to confirm that my c-section will be at 7:30 a.m. on Oct. 27th so it is nice to have the official date!! Yesterday I ate garlic chicken and a salad for lunch. For dinner, I ate fiber cereal. I snacked on pretzels :) Today I had a protein bar for breakfast and I worked out. I think that I will have one of my beef enchiladas for lunch!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

20w6d pregnancy

Starting Pregnancy Weight: 127.0
Current Pregnancy Weight: 136.4(+9.4)

4w2d 127.0 (-8.4) Found out I was pregnant after losing 8.4 pounds on HCG diet!!
5w0d 127.6
6w0d 128.0
7w0d 128.8
8w6d 128.8
9w0d 128.4
10w0d 129.0 (+0.6)
11w0d 129.8 (+0.8)
12w0d 129.6 (-0.2)
13w0d 129.2 (-1.8)
14w0d 130.6 (-0.8)
15w0d 131.0 (+0.4)
16w0d 133.0 (+2.0)
17w0d 133.4 (+0.4)
18w0d 134.2 (+0.8)
19w0d 134.0 (-0.2)
20w0d 134.4 (+0.4)
20w5d 137.0 (+2.6)
20w6d 136.4 (-0.6)

I ate really good yesterday. I had a protein bar for breakfast, chili and salad for lunch, and a BBQ grilled chicken sandwich from Hardees for dinner. I had class last night so I didn't eat very many snacks. I also went in to work for a little while since my hubby was working some overtime. Today, I got up early to see my hubby off to work and then I exercised on my elliptical so I am feeling good!! I see my doctor on Thursday and hopefully I will get to see the baby again!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

20w5d pregnancy weight

Starting Pregnancy Weight: 127.0
Current Pregnancy Weight: 137.0(+10)

4w2d 127.0 (-8.4) Found out I was pregnant after losing 8.4 pounds on HCG diet!!
5w0d 127.6
6w0d 128.0
7w0d 128.8
8w6d 128.8
9w0d 128.4
10w0d 129.0 (+0.6)
11w0d 129.8 (+0.8)
12w0d 129.6 (-0.2)
13w0d 129.2 (-1.8)
14w0d 130.6 (-0.8)
15w0d 131.0 (+0.4)
16w0d 133.0 (+2.0)
17w0d 133.4 (+0.4)
18w0d 134.2 (+0.8)
19w0d 134.0 (-0.2)
20w0d 134.4 (+0.4)
20w5d 137.0 (+2.6)

This week has been a HUGE growth week for the baby. This is the most that I have gained in one week and I finally hit the 10 pound weight gain mark!! I am not too happy about that but I am over halfway through my pregnancy so I will take it. Yesterday I did really good and ate fiber cereal for breakfast, strawberries and whipped cream for desert, a 6 oz sirloin with bacon wrapped around it and a sweet potato with no butter for lunch at Lone Star, and a slice of cheese pizza for dinner. I have been STARVING every day and I think the baby is having a growth spurt. He or she is now the size of a banana and weighs a pound. My hubby is eating similar to me and is dropping pounds every day so I know that I am eating healthy :)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

20 weeks (5 months!) pregnant today!!

Starting Pregnancy Weight: 127.0
Current Pregnancy Weight: 134.4(+7.4)

4w2d 127.0 (-8.4) Found out I was pregnant after losing 8.4 pounds on HCG diet!!
5w0d 127.6
6w0d 128.0
7w0d 128.8
8w6d 128.8
9w0d 128.4
10w0d 129.0 (+0.6)
11w0d 129.8 (+0.8)
12w0d 129.6 (-0.2)
13w0d 129.2 (-1.8)
14w0d 130.6 (-0.8)
15w0d 131.0 (+0.4)
16w0d 133.0 (+2.0)
17w0d 133.4 (+0.4)
18w0d 134.2 (+0.8)
19w0d 134.0 (-0.2)
20w0d 134.4 (+0.4)

I have finally hit 20 weeks and I am now 5 months pregnant!! I am more than halfway through my pregnancy since my c-section is at exactly 39 weeks!! I have been eating healthy stuff like beef tacos fresco style at Taco Bell and salads for dinner! I love the new Fiber One cereal with raisins so I have been eating that for breakfast. The baby loves kicking and punching at me and I am sure he or she is still standing on its head in my belly. I love my ultrasound photo! I will have to get this baby into gymnastics early!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

18w6d pregnancy weight

Starting Pregnancy Weight: 127.0
Current Pregnancy Weight: 134.0(+7.0)

4w2d 127.0 (-8.4) Found out I was pregnant after losing 8.4 pounds on HCG diet!!
5w0d 127.6
6w0d 128.0
7w0d 128.8
8w6d 128.8
9w0d 128.4
10w0d 129.0 (+0.6)
11w0d 129.8 (+0.8)
12w0d 129.6 (-0.2)
13w0d 129.2 (-1.8)
14w0d 130.6 (-0.8)
15w0d 131.0 (+0.4)
16w0d 133.0 (+2.0)
17w0d 133.4 (+0.4)
18w0d 134.2 (+0.8)
18w2d 134.2 (0.00)
18w3d 133.6 (-0.8)
18w6d 134.0 (+0.4)

I can't believe I will be 19 weeks tomorrow!! I had a LONG day yesterday. We are doing 9 hour days at work for summer testing and I worked from 6:30 a.m. to 3:30 a.m. and then had class from 4 - 9 p.m. I was exhausted! Today I am working 7-4 p.m. and then going home and seeing my boys and hubby! I didn't see them at all yesterday!! My weight has been fluctuating around but staying pretty stable around 134. Yesterday I ate a protein bar for breakfast, a beef enchilada that I made with a cheddar jalapeno tortilla, and a protein bar for dinner because I was so busy!! Today I brought chili for lunch :) I can't wait to see my obgyn again in two weeks!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

18w3d pregnancy weight

Starting Pregnancy Weight: 127.0
Current Pregnancy Weight: 133.6(+6.6)

4w2d 127.0 (-8.4) Found out I was pregnant after losing 8.4 pounds on HCG diet!!
5w0d 127.6
6w0d 128.0
7w0d 128.8
8w6d 128.8
9w0d 128.4
10w0d 129.0 (+0.6)
11w0d 129.8 (+0.8)
12w0d 129.6 (-0.2)
13w0d 129.2 (-1.8)
14w0d 130.6 (-0.8)
15w0d 131.0 (+0.4)
16w0d 133.0 (+2.0)
17w0d 133.4 (+0.4)
18w0d 134.2 (+0.8)
18w2d 134.2 (0.00)
18w3d 133.6 (-0.8)

I got to see my baby on the ultrasound!! He/she was a mover! The tech said she had never seen a baby move so quick. As soon as she started to measure the baby, it would move away! The hearbeat was down from 167 to 150. The baby is 8 ounces!! The baby kept standing on its head with its feet curled forward on its face!! At the end, the baby put both hands between its legs so we couldn't have found out even if we wanted to!! My weight at the doctors was 136 but I had just eaten lunch. It was 134 that morning and today I am back to 133. The doctor said I am doing great on my weight gain with only gaining less than 10 pounds and I am halfway through!! She booked the c-section for October 27th at 7:30 a.m.!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

18 weeks pregnancy weight!!

Starting Pregnancy Weight: 127.0
Current Pregnancy Weight: 134.2(+7.2)

4w2d 127.0 (-8.4) Found out I was pregnant after losing 8.4 pounds on HCG diet!!
5w0d 127.6
6w0d 128.0
7w0d 128.8
8w6d 128.8
9w0d 128.4
10w0d 129.0 (+0.6)
11w0d 129.8 (+0.8)
12w0d 129.6 (-0.2)
13w0d 129.2 (-1.8)
14w0d 130.6 (-0.8)
15w0d 131.0 (+0.4)
16w0d 133.0 (+2.0)
17w0d 133.4 (+0.4)
18w0d 134.2 (+0.8)

I can't believe that I am now 18 weeks pregnant. 4 1/2 months into it!! Friday is my big ultrasound to see the baby!! We are not going to find out the gender though. I have been trying to eat healthy and work out. I am working out about 5 days a week and eating fiber cereal for at least one of my meals. Today I had an unsweet iced tea from McDonalds and an egg mcmuffin with no egg. For lunch, we ordered from Korea House and I had the Chapche which is healthy with slim noodles and beef with steamed rice. For dinner I had my big bowl of fiber cereal :) Tonight, I will probably eat an orange for a snack!!