Saturday, May 8, 2010

14w3d pregnancy weight

Starting Weight of HCG diet: 132.8
Highest Weight after loading: 135.4 (+2.6)

4w2d 127.0 (-8.4) Found out I was pregnant!
5w0d 127.6
6w0d 128.0
7w0d 128.8
8w6d 128.8
9w0d 128.4
10w0d 129.0 (+0.6)
11w0d 129.8 (+0.8)
12w0d 129.6 (-0.2)
13w0d 129.2 (-1.8)
14w0d 130.6 (-0.8)
14w1d 130.2 (-0.4)
14w2d 131.4 (+1.2)
14w3d 130.8 (-0.6)

Yesterday I had to present my comps for my principal certification to the board at my university. I was very nervous and busy at work all morning, so I didn't have time to eat a lot of snacks!! I had an Egg McMuffin for breakfast with no egg and an unsweet iced tea. For lunch I had one of my chicken enchiladas and a salad. After my comps, I ate some of the pieces of cheese and fruit that they had for us. For dinner, I had a Sonic Grilled Chicken Salad and it was really good with salt and pepper. I ate an orange for my night snack and worked out on my elliptical. I am hoping to maintain the lower 130's until farther into my second trimester. I will be 15 weeks on Wednesday!!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on getting your certification! And for still being 130! No more stress for you....I'm so jealous!
