Thursday, March 18, 2010

7w1d Weight

Starting Weight of HCG diet: 132.8
Highest Weight after loading: 135.4 (+2.6)

4w2d 127.0 (-8.4) Found out I was pregnant!
4w3d 126.8 (-0.2)
4w4d 127.8 (+1.0)
4w5d 127.6 (-0.2)
4w6d 127.4 (-0.2)
5w0d 127.6 (+0.2)
5w1d 127.4 (-0.2)
5w2d 128.6 (+1.2)
5w3d 128.8 (+0.2)
5w4d 129.2 (+0.4)
5w5d 128.6 (-0.6)
5w6d 129.0 (+0.4)
6w0d 128.0 (-1.0)
6w1d 127.8 (-0.2)
6w2d 128.8 (+1.0)
6w4d 128.4 (-0.4)
6w5d 128.0 (-0.4)
6w6d 129.0 (+1.0)
7w0d 128.8 (-0.2)
7w1d 128.6 (-0.2)
I was down two ounces today. I am so happy that I am maintaining my weight during this first trimester. I ate a lot of food for dinner!! I had two tacos and some cabbage. We popped popcorn and watched the movie "Couples Retreat". It was really good. I didn't eat any popcorn. For lunch yesterday I had a grilled chicken sandwich from Sonic and I am always down in weight when I eat that. Today I ate my South Beach Protein Bar again for breakfast and then ate one QUARTER of the new banana cream stuffed donut from Krispy Kreme which is about 75 calories. It was SOOOO good! I can still smell the dounts and they are now calling my name. Donuts are such a weakness for me but I will prevail!! For lunch, I am trying a Healthy Choice frozen entree that is fish, broccoli, veggies, and apple desert. It is 300 calories. I brought one cup of chili to eat for dinner before my class tonight along with one of my tortillas. I need to buy some more of those from Sam's!!

1 comment:

  1. You are doing so well! I am jealous that you can get away with so many "off-protocol" things- and your little hubby, too!! Oh well, someday I will be thin and not have to worry about every single morsel that goes in my mouth. Ahem!
