Wednesday, March 31, 2010

9 weeks pregnancy weight

Starting Weight of HCG diet: 132.8
Highest Weight after loading: 135.4 (+2.6)

4w2d 127.0 (-8.4) Found out I was pregnant!
5w0d 127.6
6w0d 128.0
7w0d 128.8
8w6d 128.8
9w0d 128.4 (-0.4)

Yesterday I had my ultrasound and it went great! I got to hear the heartbeat and it was nice and strong at 167!! That definitely indicates a girl which would be wonderful because I have two boys :) The baby measured 8w1d and I was 8w6d so my due date is now around Nov. 5th instead of Nov. 3rd but the doctor said that my csection would likely be Oct. 27th or 28th so I am still sticking to being 9 weeks pregnant today :)

Yesterday I didn't eat breakfast because I knew I had to weigh at the doctors. I had my ultrasound at 10:30 a.m. and I was starving!! The doctor saw me quickly and I weighed 129.0 on her scale. After that I had to go to an elementary school for an observation so I ate a turkey sandwich in my car and a South Beach Fiber Fit bar. When I got back to work, I ate my breakfast which was a Kashi Dark Chocolate Coconut Bar. For dinner, we went to Burger King and I ate the BK Charbroiled Chicken sandwich with no mayo. It was really good but the calorie thing said it was still 350 calories but I don't see any way possible that it is that many calories!! For dessert, we went to Braum's and I had a cake cone with CarbWatch Chocolote Almond. It was delicious and only 160 calories. I wasn't sure to get a sugar cone or cake cone but I think that they are both lower than a waffle cone!!

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